Using electron beams could develop much more toward nanotechnology and much higher density of electronic elements on silicon chips.
While commercial forestry involves converting wood fibre into dimension lumber38 and chips, non-timber products and services are also important for many indigenous forest management systems.
To simulate real objects, five plastic red chips of 30 mm of diameter and 2 mm of thickness were placed on the working surface.
The production of efficient neural chips for networking has taxed artificial intelligence workers for nearly a decade.
You will have the opportunity to buy “chips,” sell “chips,” and make predictions of what will happen in the future.
Structural adjustment policies, it is argued, have chipped away at the peasantry’s economic viability, social coherence and class position.
He had eaten no meat for 2 months, while for vegetables he depended on chips from a fried-fish shop.
As a further interpretation, consider a ‘linear machine’ in which a pile of c chips are c split evenly, with 2d going in each direction.
In expression analysis or expression profiling, microarrays and gene chips analyze or profile gene expression.
The subject, immediately before entering the experimental room, was paid a flat 250, unrelated to the number of chips earned.
The miniature tags contain silicon chips and antennas that transmit information to a receiver very much as the listening ‘bugs’ used by the security services.
The numbers associated with the chromatic chips reveal substantially less consistency than is found for the achromatic ones.
People want to consume music, books, movies, and even potato chips that reflect their own identities.
The potential of brain chips for transforming humanity are astounding.
You may have chips in your clothes or embedded in your pet’s ear for identification.
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