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In cuticle
It consists of cutin, a waxy, water-repellent substance allied to suberin, which is found in the cell walls of corky tissue. Cutin is especially noticeable on many fruits—e.g., apple, nectarine, and cherry, which can be buffed to a high gloss. Carnauba wax is derived from the cuticles of…
plant structure
Cutin and waxes are fatty substances deposited in the walls of epidermal cells, forming a waterproof outer layer called the cuticle. Often, epicuticular waxes, in the form of sheets, rods, or filaments, are exuded over the cuticle, giving some leaves their whitish, greenish, or bluish…
Cutin and suberin are complex biopolyesters composed of fatty acids and aromatic compounds. Cutin is the major component of the cuticle, the waxy, water-repelling surface layer of cell walls exposed to the environment aboveground. By reducing the wettability of leaves and stems—and thereby affecting the…
…wall plastics such as lignin, cutin, and suberin all contain a variety of organic compounds cross-linked into tight three-dimensional networks that strengthen cell walls and make them more resistant to fungal and bacterial attack. Lignin is the general name for a diverse group of polymers of aromatic alcohols. Deposited mostly…
…secrete a waxy substance (cutin) that forms a cuticle impermeable to water. The pores (stomata) in the epidermis that allow for gas exchange are formed between specialized epidermal cells called guard cells. Vascular bundles (veins) are embedded in the mesophyll, the tissue that includes all of the cells between…
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