PANCREATIC | Định nghĩa trong Từ điển tiếng Anh Cambridge

In this context, pancreatic calcification and a normal small-bowel biopsy virtually establishes an exocrine pancreatic cause of diarrhoea.

When nursed by a control-fed dam, the pancreatic weight was comparable with controls by weaning.

The direct and indirect effects of corticosteroids on pancreatic cells are well documented.

It did not, however, inhibit porcine pancreatic kallikrein.

Transplantation of pancreatic islets is arguably the most logical approach to restoring metabolic homeostasis in people with diabetes.

Several investigations have indicated that sonographic duct measurements before and after secretin injections are a useful tool in the diagnostic screening for pancreatic disease.

The effects are least apparent in pancreatic cancer.

Clinical diagnosis by radiological findings including cholangiography, sonography and computerized tomography as well as magnetic resonance imaging for biliary or pancreatic ducts are outlined.

They stimulate insulin release by binding to specific receptors on the pancreatic beta cell.

The pancreatic duct diameter increases with advancing age.

The large intestine, bile duct and pancreatic duct were also examined for worms.

Pancreatic islet allograft prolongation by donorspecific blood transfusions treated with ultraviolet irradiation.

Pancreatic enzymes alone constitute 59 percent of the cost of nutritional medication.

Biophysical properties of gap junctions between freshly dispersed pairs of mouse pancreatic beta cells.

Disease processes (including malignancy) that result in the loss of pancreatic tissue can affect both the endocrine and exocrine functions of the organ (fig001dgo).

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