Ý nghĩa của standing order trong tiếng Anh

A revised version of the standing order, to be published in a few months’ time, will include reference to the community charge.

I have to say that the matter that she has raised does not meet the criteria of the standing order.

That standing order keeps the liquor trade out of the big housing developments.

The liquor trade have been trying to pull that standing order to pieces, because they are losing their customers.

There was the question, of course, of having a standing order.

It was open to him to move that the standing order be suspended to enable the amendments to be tabled today.

She had no idea at all of the effect of paragraph (9) of the proposed standing order on ministerial statements.

Moreover, the standing order option is only one of a number of options that a court can adopt.

It would require a positive action to cancel the standing order.

That is the background to the standing order.

These booklets show clearly how to fill up a cheque form or credit transfer or how to arrange for a standing order.

I cannot find that any of these prisoners has been debarred from receiving a weekly paper under this standing order.

A prisoner may purchase a copy of the standing order or a booklet that summarises the main provisions.

There is no doubt a standing order about manuscript amendments.

We said that a new standing order should be created.

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