This he expressed in non–fiction works that ended up influencing even some scientists.
Oral versus written history and historicity are discussed – but not the significance of other oral arts, not journalism or other non–fiction writing.
Such responses to polar expeditions will never replace rigorous, balanced, carefully argued non-fiction accounts; but they will continue to complement and complicate polar history.
Written language discussed should include a variety of non–fiction, fictional prose, drama and poetry.
She placed the biography on the borderline between fiction and non–fiction.
Compared to poetry and fiction, non–fiction of this period offers e a few insights on individuality.
Fiction and non–fiction covering a span of more than a century is arbitrarily clustered together and the conclusions are supposed to be valid for the colonial discourse on thuggee.
This article also goes beyond the usual studies of children’s books by focusing on non–fiction, and by emphasizing readers and use, rather than authors or publishers.
There is a central library containing a non–fiction book stock which is situated in the education department to which all inmates who wish have access.
They retired from that occupation and neither of them has ever written any non–fiction.
If history is to be rewritten in that way, the books will not be included in the non–fiction section of my library.
What happens is that in nearly all cases of non–fiction books it is the publisher who devises the book.
There has been too much disposal in recent years of library stocks of rare non–fiction works, which are valuable to scholars.
It is not surprising that the amount of non–fiction which is published is much greater than hitherto, but fiction is another matter.
Another thing is that they are now asked to buy books for various categories: adult non–fiction, reference books, adult fiction, children’s books and foreign books.
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