BET | Định nghĩa trong Từ điển tiếng Anh Cambridge

There is considerable debate in the academic literature over the relevance or otherwise of the size-of-bet in gauging respondents’ solutions to these types or risks.

First, it limited betting on races and other athletic events to just one day per week.

It does conform to the bet hedging hypothesis of maximizing the period of transmission and maximizing the likelihood of contacting the next host.

She was a mild-mannered person, but when she wanted something, you bet your life she got it, both with her parents and with me.

I’ll bet her heart will ache above one week.

Clearly here an axiom of interpretation is being invoked, rather than a bet about the states of mind of the population.

Fines and imprisonment could, and indeed did, follow for those found guilty of placing or accepting off-course cash bets.

The materials do not hedge their bets and never patronise pupils.

In manic patients, the ‘ conservative ‘ tendency to bet less than controls on favourable outcomes appears superficially at odds with their poor quality or ‘ risky ‘ decisions.

Next, subjects are offered a series of betting options, giving them the opportunity to place a ‘ bet ‘ on their choice being correct.

A better bet would be to go to the separate volumes that cover these topics more thoroughly and clearly.

Since the present participles form the most common cases, forgetting, letting, shutting, and betting might also be expected to exhibit t-to-r.

On this account, subjects look at the worst possible outcome for each bet, and choose between bets accordingly.

Once those perceptions occur and the relevant motor centers light up, only a fool would bet against the appropriate behavioral output.

You cannot tell, out of context, whether someone is talking about a pet or a pen, a bet or a bed.

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