Powdered samples (< 100 m mesh size) were cleaned using water to remove the dust particles, and then dried in an oven.
First, an accident, possibly with one of the ovens, may have resulted in the conflagration.
The most general method for the production of atomic beam is thermal oven.
We ran all analyses in duplicate and report average values on an oven-dry weight basis.
Application of thermal oven is restricted to the materials of low melting points only.
Likewise, a historian of art could be impressed by the effects of new technologies first used nonartistically – ceramics benefited from hotter, cheaper ovens, for example.
The amounts of dehydrogenase activity and microbial biomass were computed on an oven-dry basis.
In addition, ovens and platforms, benches and basins of clay were unearthed in and between the building remains.
The total produce of maize cobs and pods of any intercrops from each plot were weighed and subsamples taken to determine oven-dry grain weight.
Some animals collected during the study were weighed fresh and after oven-drying to constant weight.
If the phytomass weighed > 50 g, a subsample of 50 g was retained for oven drying.
Once completed, the object is rinsed with a solvent and then exposed in an ultraviolet oven that thoroughly cures the result.
Given the fact that wild agave is abundant throughout the basin, the interpretation of these combustion features as mescal ovens does not seem farfetched.
A subsample of 20 randomly chosen plants was partitioned into stem, leaf, petiole, peduncle and fruit components and oven dried.
The specific gravity and moisture content (w/w) of each wood sample were determined by displacement and oven drying methods, respectively.
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