VOW | Định nghĩa trong Từ điển tiếng Anh Cambridge

It is no wonder that, as nationalist identities intensified in the city, ethnic identity remained important and ethnic groups vowed not to disband.

We are left to imagine just what the nature of that vow was.

For those who like the idea of writing their own wedding vows, this might be something to keep in mind.

He vows that only a “sweeping and consummate vengeance for the indignity alone should satisfy him” (49).

He also vowed to block a special session called by the legislature.

Even the narrator distorts the original proceedings, commenting that “when those earlier vows were made, what had she cared for prudence” (118).

The other three entered the church, and their vow of celibacy meant that they were excluded from inheritance.

Clerical immorality, the inevitable result of an unnatural vow, led to a moral decline among the laity.

He was pardoned only after officially vowing to refrain from political commentary or activity.

Physicians, unlike some clergy, are not sworn to a vow of poverty.

Their own children did not stick to their commitments and vows and had behaved in ways that went against their proclaimed moral code.

Among these, over 4,000 had vowed to live in celibacy.

Now, he assures her, she will complete his happiness if she will accept his exhortation to cross the sea in fulfilment of their former vows.

We cause your minds, vows, plans to bend (nam-masi).

Of course, we could imagine a modification to the wedding vows.

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