All the data are fetched in main-memory before any evaluation task is carried out.
Nevertheless, the crop occasionally fetched good financial returns, and it was in hope of this that they continued to grow the crop.
Farmers also sold the grain, but it fetched a low price in the poorly developed market for horsegram.
Thus, most fetches can be moved past stores and procedure calls, and common subexpressions involving fetches from immutable objects can be eliminated.
Consider now the definitions fetched via a resolvespec.
We found that most of the preprocessing time is consumed at fetching lexical entries.
The task of the autonomous robot is to serve a moving working team on the site by continuously fetching supplies from a central store.
First, she invents a key, encrypts the known body with it, and checks whether the result matches the encrypted authenticator fetched from the network.
Note also that only predicates needed for the migratory segment of the continuation are fetched.
By the early years of the twentieth century most industries had completely abandoned methods of production in which craftsmen made the products and laborers fetched and carried parts.
Most functions contain conditional computation thus most rewrites will involve access to remote store that results in the rewrite being suspended while the required packets are fetched.
Similarly, even though there is wood around, potters prefer to buy it from merchants coming into town, rather than fetching it themselves and losing one day’s work.
Backed by anecdotal evidence, the author portrays these as opportunistic exploiters who drain financial resources away from the poor by fetching high prices in times of water scarcity.
The age comparison becomes more expensive when the cells belong to different blocks, because then the time stamps of the corresponding blocks need to be fetched and compared.
The high prices that wine fetched throughout the second half of the eighteenth century and at the beginning of the nineteenth accounted for the speed of this expansion.
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