The term refers to a disruption of interconnecting fibres that link spatially distributed regions in the brain.

As the industrial process involves large shear stresses, fibres will slip over one another, and we assume the material to be an anisotropic viscous continuum.

In previous studies on platyhelminths, the effects of peptide modulators of the neuromuscular system have been examined on muscle strips or dispersed muscle fibres.

Previous studies have indicated that more than 1 type of muscle fibre is present in flatworms.

We consider a continuum model that makes no distinction between matrix and fibre particles.

It is difficult to attribute changes in parasite survival simply to the addition of fibre, because of complexity of the comparison diets.

Similar muscle fibres were observed in the present study, but we consider that they represent incompletely separated fibres following digestion.

Each time the roller passed over the flax stem some of the shive separated from the fibre.

This combing process also separated the fibres to some extent.

Were the plants used as a source of food and applications for its fibres were realized later or was it vice versa?

Can we exploit understanding of the molecular organisation of elastic fibres to engineer robust replacement elastic tissues such as small-diameter arteries and ligaments?

Despite exceptional recent research progress in understanding elastic-fibre assembly and function, many questions remain to be addressed.

We have produced recombinant human tropoelastin, and characterised coascervation in the absence or presence of other elastic-fibre molecules, thereby generating composite elastic-fibre biomaterials.

In cell cultures, tropoelastin expression is generally low, and ordered elastic fibres are not often deposited.

Major elastic-fibre molecules that mediate cell adhesion are outlined below.

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