Following enucleation one fetal fibroblast cell was transferred into each enucleated oocyte.
To answer these questions further experiments were directed to the use of mouse fibroblasts – somatic, fully differentiated cells – for nuclear transplantation into early meiotic ooplasm.
Cloned mice from fetal fibroblast cells arrested at metaphase by a serial nuclear transfer.
The reactions in normal and immune-deprived mice are of comparable size and both contain eosinophils, neutrophils, monocytes, fibroblasts and plasma cells.
Long-term survival of transplanted basal forebrain cells following in vitro propagation with fibroblast growth factor-2.
Earlier results from our laboratory show that centrifugation increases fibronectin matrix survival signaling via integrins in primary osteoblasts and fibroblasts.
To our knowledge, few studies have been carried out on the cell-cycle stage of ear fibroblast cells from transgenic cloned cattle.
In conclusion, a detailed analysis of cell-cycle stages for ear fibroblasts from transgenic cloned cattle was presented in this study.
Functional unit of the low density lipoprotein receptor of fibroblasts: a 100 000-dalton structure with multiple binding sites.
Inhibition of epidermal growth factor binding to mouse cultured cells by fibroblast-derived growth factor.
However, no study to date has examined the effect of relaxin on apoptosis outside the reproductive tract or in (myo)fibroblast cells.
However, recent studies report that these changes also occur in stromal fibroblasts.
Samples : lanes (4) we hybrid cultured fibroblasts ; (5) we ovary (6) we uterus.
As negative control (no histolytic activity), fibroblasts were incubated under identical conditions but without ciliates.
Prior to electrophoresis, cultured fibroblasts were detached with 0n1 % trypsin and resuspended in culture medium.
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