Older children may be restless and fidgety, but not overly hyperactive.
His colour, very, very breathless and then more fidgety than normal and then, from that, not even coming upstairs which isn’t him.
In diagnosing akathisia, the typical clinical picture includes inner restlessness and fidgety and restless movement of the body, particularly in the legs.
The items were very restless; has difficulty staying seated for long; squirmy, fidgety child; cannot settle to anything for more than a few moments; and inattentive, easily distracted.
This suggests that muscular contraction is not wholly governed by the amount of energy available but is stimulated by rising temperature, which causes frequent small fidgety movements.
They are overly talkative, fidgety, and squirmy.
He does not realise how off-putting his fidgety behaviour is.
I think that with the pressure of world opinion it must be very easy to become introspective, fidgety and sometimes very obsessional.
Finally, what about fidgety or naughty children who unbuckle their seat belts, either accidentally or deliberately?
I understand the idea of being fidgety and introspective.
He asked why we were so wretchedly fidgety about it.
I am sure that “fidgety” does not express my feelings.
The children are getting fidgety; they are crying and in a miserable state.
They will have daydreams, or become fidgety.
If children do not do their homework, if they look tired and anxious and are fidgety, with poor concentration spans, teachers should not accept simple explanations.
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