Trong tiếng Anh, có nhiều phân từ quá khứ và hiện tại của một từ có thể được dùng như các tính từ. Các ví dụ này có thể chỉ ra các tính từ sử dụng.
Here liberty is again figured in opposition to the internal tyranny of appetites.
The changes in the structures following each moult are figured (fig. 2).
The concept of equilibrium has long figured in social analysis.
Such women figured prominently in the female workforce.
Catalogue of the type, figured and cited fossils.
Also in contrast to other fuels, the import share of coal from other regions figured prominently from 1975, but declined to 4% by 1999.
He is literally figured as unrepresentable; he is denied voice, denied language.
Here a middle-class business man is figured as country gentry and the fox is the culprit for the crime of theft (birds, cheques).
The genetic code, after all, was just being figured out.
It also has to be said that the editorial realization of the figured bass is a disappointment, containing many solecisms.
Cranidial measurements were made on 11 figured specimens.
Unfortunately, these specimens were not figured and their description does not allow a precise taxonomic assessment.
Numeric notation was used to represent pitch long before the appearance of computer music, as in the figured bass5 of the early seventeenth century.
Instead of serving as an attainable goal, it figured as a counterpoint in contrast to the positions the soldiers actually held.
This waste is figured variously as dust, ashes, human bodies (found not on the dust-heaps but in the river), rags, bones, and waste paper.
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