These were 4 x 6 color photographs of figurines positioned to correspond to the events described in the sentence stimuli.
As noted earlier, there are myriad possible functions for figurines, many of which were probably not mutually exclusive.
In total, seven funerary ollas, two hollow figurines, 23 vessels, and one miniature olla were found.
This figurine must have held special significance, as suggested by its location, quality of workmanship, and associated materials.
The basic information on chronology and major regional ceramic (figurine) styles was assembled during the 1960s and 1970s.
Here, fragments of a group of polychrome figurines in frit were discovered, representing two male figures, a horse’s head and a chariot.
The content of uranium, thorium, and potassium in the figurine were determined using instrumental neutron-activation analysis.
This takes various forms, and includes figurines, terracottas thought to depict the faces of the mask characters, mosaics, plaques, and wall paintings.
Among the offerings, two small greenstone figurines, possibly representing individuals of high status, seem to have played a central role in the dedicatory deposit.
We noted a pattern in the funeral rites of this region-specifically, in the remarkable homogeneity in decorative style of contributed vessels and hollow figurines.
Access to the majority of solid figurines does not appear to have been restricted.
In each photograph, two additional figurines were included: a second token of each of the figurines representing the agent and the patient of the action.
Secondary craft activities in one workshop included making cotton spindle whorls and some lapidary and figurine manufacturing.
The physical positions depicted by the hollow figurines, even when motionless, symbolize some of the daily and ritual activities of the ruler.
The other three figurines depict male personages, one of them old and the other young, both in an identical seated position.
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