At the third, the quality of the parent-child relationship was added and filial obligation removed.

But attitudes and preferences to filial responsibilities and caring tasks could be changing.

This article focuses on one aspect of the immigrant older person’s experience and situation, their perceptions about filial obligations.

Given that the samples were drawn exclusively from large urban areas, the level of support for filial obligations is remarkable.

The quality of the parent-child relationship and norms of filial obligation positively correlate with support giving to elderly parents.

Although this study has provided new insights into the filial norms of immigrant older people, some limitations should be noted.

The second aim of our study was to assess the role of acculturation on filial obligation norms.

In most studies, filial obligation norms are examined from the point of view of the younger generation.

Phone calls made from filial duty could be dispiriting in the absence of visits.

It appears, therefore, that neither urbanisation nor welfare state expansion are incompatible with felt filial obligations.

This is because notions of filial obligation vary across cultures and ethnic groups.

The filial responsibility score was included in the regressions of welfare state orientation and of preferences for care.

Motivators and inhibitors of attitudes of filial obligation toward aging parents.

Confucian ideals of filial piety make strong prescriptions for parent-child relationships.

What is the impact of filial norms, opportunity structures and emotional bonds on the inter-generational support provided by adult children to older parents across societies?

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