The final filtrate was discarded and the protein of interest was retained on the membrane surface.
The filtrate contained residual bodies of various degrees of integrity besides intact sporozoites.
The filtrate together with 2 washings of the precipitate with 2-5 ml of sulphosalicylic acid were used for analysis.
The filtrate was re-sieved through a mesh size of 37 mm.
The filtrate was refrigerated for a further 5 days, refiltered and the retained material collected.
The combined filtrate was then concentrated in a water bath until the solvent had evaporated.
This structure has multiple cell types that exhibit a complex array of functions, which regulate the process of filtrate formation and renal haemodynamics.
As the blood passes through the arterial line through the ultrafilter and back to the venous line, a volume of filtrate is extracted.
From 10-100 % of the remaining filtrate from each sample was then inoculated intramuscularly into susceptible rabbits.
The filtrate was allowed to settle for 15 min and the liquid decanted after this sedimentation.
The combined filtrate was then concentrated in a water bath until the water had evaporated.
The transmembrane pressure can be increased by using suction on the filtrate port to achieve high rates of ultrafiltration.
Motivated by these experiments, we consider invasion of filtrate from a horizontal wellbore into pores of surrounding rock.
The cytotoxic titre was defined as the reciprocal of the highest dilution of the filtrate that produced a cytopathic effect.
Most of the cells containing immature schizonts were present in the 33 /im filtrate.
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