VOWEL | Định nghĩa trong Từ điển tiếng Anh Cambridge

Các ví dụ của vowel


In other words, vowels become longer when they precede voiced sounds.

Combinations of consonants and vowels that form real words or letter names were excluded.

The short vowels are represented by diacritics, which are placed either above or below the letter associated with that sound in a word.

She observed positive relationships between preschoolers’ performance at reading as well as composing yoo’ons, and their performance at associating two syllables sharing their final vowels.

Another difference was that the context sensitive vowels and consonant items differed with respect to the constraining context.

The height difference is a response to the principle of snterest which favors maximum perceptual differentiation between the stressed vowels.

An independently established hierarchy blocks high back vowels from appearing in these forms.

Conspicuously absent, even in that very motley picture, are back vowels of any length in the left half of the structure.

They were borrowed with short vowels constrained by the prosodic structure and remained as such.

Otherwise, there is no reason why such vowels should always have been short.

Also, under cyclic stress assignment and stress clash, long vowels can be shortened and destressed, as in pairs like explain+explanation.

Their first syllables contain vowels which exhibit the normal historical changes for stressed vowels.

The vowels contrast in height and backness/frontness, and the high back and mid back vowels are also both round.

The asymmetrical pattern, where high vowels follow nonhigh vowels, is worth additional discussion.

His spellings give clear evidence of the variation in his own speech, with raised, unraised and even lowered equivalents of the short front vowels.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Các cụm từ với vowel

Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với vowel.

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front vowel

Many readers will no doubt wonder if */x/ can also precede a front vowel.

lax vowel

In particular, the analysis cannot in itself explain why there is vowel insertion after stops following a lax vowel.

long vowel

As a result, the reduplicant contains a long vowel on the surface.

Những ví dụ này từ Cambridge English Corpus và từ các nguồn trên web. Tất cả những ý kiến trong các ví dụ không thể hiện ý kiến của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của người cấp phép.


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