These are very significant figures with implications for the availability of future informal carers.
This result was compared with 4 (3.2) in the open right half-plane, and the results agreed to 15 significant figures.
Significant figures such as children’s caregivers may come to be viewed as incapable of keeping children safe from the dangers present in their environment.
The corresponding eigenvalues were accurate to three significant figures.
The coverage is generally quite extensive, but some significant figures are omitted.
The convergence criteria were set so that the algorithms all returned solutions that were identical to 12 significant figures. 24.
Significant figures such as children’s caregivers may come to be viewed as incapable of keeping them safe from the dangers present in their environment.
In this case, given that there is not a published set of high-precision values, we confine attention to six significant figures.
The latter value was estimated from graphical results and so is given to only two significant figures.
All numerical values presented should be accurate to the number of significant figures stated.
The alternative digital technique of summing a great many values and averaging to determine mean values may lead to large errors due to the successively larger truncation of significant figures.
Figures are in £ millions and are given to two significant figures.
These are significant figures, and they should never be forgotten when we view the task that lies ahead.
Those are very significant figures, especially as regards very poor people.
There are enormously significant figures relating to the advance of agriculture.
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