It may possibly be the quantity of fiber and not the antioxidants in vegetables that has protective effects.
Hence, it is hard to imagine that these two fiber types are working in synchrony on the same behavioral and thought processes.
By considering these additional characteristics, whorl data offer impor tant insights into religious significance of spinning, as well as practical qualities of fiber production.
Since their distributions along unstable fibers coincide by assumption (ii), it is enough to compare ^ their distributions along stable directions.
In this case, elastic fibers did not appear through the smooth muscle cells which were surrounding the recanalized vessels.
Thirty-eight percent had evidence of interhemispheric widening, suggesting damage to the callosal fibers that link the two hemispheres, most prominent in frontal regions.
These might be strictly visceroresponsive or might be supplied by mechanically insensitive afferent fibers.
Clearly, speed of response matters but is not all important because many groups have and many lack giant fibers.
For all textile mills processing the same fiber, effluent characteristics are broadly similar, but the quantities may vary.
Output taxes consisted of the tithes (osur) applying primarily to grains, legumes, and fibers.
In principle, this highly selective innervation could be generated by optic fibers converging onto individual target cells, each behaving as independent targets for activity-dependent convergence.
First, the outer fibers of the narrowest cones at the foveal center were examined for the presence of mitochondria.
In both instances, the orientation of the underlying matrix fibers is conferred to the astrocytic processes.
Astrocytes are confined largely to the nerve fiber layer at the inner border of the retina.
The height and width of the peaks indicate the uniformity of fiber alignment.
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