These parasitized pupae were divided into samples of about 100 pupae and placed in fibreglass screen bags with a mesh size of 1.7 mm.
The ceiling of the test section is covered with fibreglass insulation.
A limitation of the above research design is the difficulty in proving that the fibreglass supplied absolutely no liquid water films to the seed.
Fibreglass is used for extremely inexpensive unbreakable student bows, but the future of the new bow is clearly cast in carbon fibre.
The mid-arm, chest, thigh and head circumferences were measured using a flexible fibreglass tape to the nearest 1 mm.
The instrument is assembled from eight acrylic pieces and one fibreglass stick.
Twelve 2-mm-diameter holes were drilled in the base of each beaker and covered with acid-washed fibreglass wool.
The flow emerges in the laboratory through an axisymmetric nozzle (36: 1 contraction ratio) made of fibreglass.
Two holes drilled through the width of the housing serve as a cable guide hole and a smooth bore through which the fibreglass stick passes.
The body of the cello, or what remains of it, can be constructed of anything from wood to fibreglass to graphite, as the electric guitar market shows.
Constructed of fibreglass, the four lobes of its cross-shaped plan housed a plethora of innovative gadgets although the design promoted the lifestyle of the traditional family.
This is a sticky trap that employs a transparent sleeve with a dry adhesive attached to a small translucent fibreglass cylinder (30 cm high, 18 cm wide).
Yet, the green, transparent fibreglass chairs in the cafeteria, representing the same defiant clumsiness as the building itself, are one of the most delightful examples of furniture.
They found that a piece of fibreglass filter paper placed between the soil and a seed made it easier to observe the seed, and caused no noticeable delay in germination.
Collectors were covered with 1-mm-mesh-size fibreglass.
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