The basal plasma membrane, which is between 8 and 10 nm thick, lies on a fibrous basement lamina.
There was diffuse fibrous thickening of the mural endocardium, involving all the cardiac chambers.
Left panel (before the operation): remarkable myocyttc hypertrophy (mean cell diameter: 19-+ 4-2ftm) and interstitial fibrosis (9c fibrous: 229c).
There is no fibrous continuity between the tricuspid and the arterial valves.
Note the peaked appearance to the baffle with no fibrous adhesions.
The densest collection of fibrous tissue is found in the so-called central fibrous body.
They were lined by dense fibrous tissue and, in some places, appeared to have an endothelial or endocardial lining.
After the formation of the fibrous atrioventricular junction, the ring becomes eventually located in the lower margin of the right atrial myocardium.
There was fibrous interruption at the commencement of the right bundle branch, which was considered the basis of the bundle branch block.
They are also found in large numbers in the fibrous bands typical of end-stage cirrhosis.
Fibrous obstruction within the left ventricular outflow tract associated with ventricular septal defect: a pathologic study.
Filaments are forming dense, interconnected fibrous cylinders around each comb cell (fc).
Neither a nurse-cell-like structure nor fibrous bundles surrounding the larva-muscle complex are present.
However, sponge spicules form fragile fibrous structures when the sponges have decayed, and the context has not been impacted.
Each sample of fibrous fraction weighed 2 kg and consisted of 4-6 sub-samples taken randomly by hand.
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