There can indeed be little doubt that the last decade has seen fierce theoretical competition between different perspectives.

But, as soon as the war ended, social unrest spread rapidly because of fierce inflation and other factors.

The regime argued that the period in question was ‘ too close ‘ to the present and still laden with fierce emotions and subjectivity.

Certainly both issues have led to fierce historical debate.

Its fierce rhetoric, bordering on adventurism, alarmed the college administration.

This led to the frequent transfer of landholdings, a fierce and continuous competition for land and ample possibilities for accumulation.

The academic struggle often seems to resemble natural selection, where the fiercest competition is between conspecifics, rather than between different species.

Instead of representing a golden age of universal popular religion, these urban festivals were often the focus of fierce political struggles.

Despite all these constraints, however, national health insurance passed in 1966 and, after fierce struggles in the provinces, was fully implemented by 1971.

There are several basic textbooks on the market; some of the recent ones are rather good, and competition is fierce.

At that time, the drive-in became the diner’s fiercest competitor.

The fierce confrontation with communism in the early cold war years played a very important role in this remarkable transformation.

Competition among the diverse perspectives and realisations of networked music concepts remains fierce.

Expected severe punishment raises the possibility of an outright and fierce confrontation with the law enforcement agency.

Toward the end of the late 1730s, violent resistance predominated, culminating in the fierce frontier war of 1739.

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