Trong tiếng Anh, có nhiều phân từ quá khứ và hiện tại của một từ có thể được dùng như các tính từ. Các ví dụ này có thể chỉ ra các tính từ sử dụng.
Punishments depended on the offence, but she could be warned by the wet-nursing inspection bureau, fined or dismissed.
If a ‘ doctor ‘ who is not currently registered holds himself out as being so registered, he is liable to be fined or imprisoned.
On the other hand, only 6 per cent indicated that the probability of being fined given detection was 50 per cent or more.
While on the march the kirangozi preceded the porters, who would be fined if they stepped ahead of him.
If they lost sheep, they could be fined or flogged.
Each was fined 20d and warned not to reoffend, on pain of a 20s fine or banishment.
Failure in this respect meant that a physician might be fined.
In cases where information was withheld, compound heads were fined 5 to 10 shillings.
They could be officially fined for neglect of duty.
He suggests that dozens more were sentenced to shorter terms or fined.
In a sensational and well-publicized trial in 1999 the author of these sentiments was fined for causing unnecessary suffering to a chimpanzee. 62.
If barrio leaders were gaoled or excessively fined, they retaliated by blocking labour demands or disappearing.
A small number of offenders have been fined in the intervening decades.
Members were often jailed and fined for violating ordinances and laws pertaining to public order and were targeted by antiterrorism measures.
Certainly, both brewers and bakers were regularly fined for breaking the assize.
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