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meanings of close and connection




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having direct family connections or shared beliefs, support, …




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the state of being related to someone or …

Examples of close connection

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

This latter question is likely to have a close connection to the understanding of the relationship between fluency and formulaic language use.

Indeed, before offering a definition, it is worth exploring the close connection between non-coercion and deliberation.

As might have been expected, there is a rather close connection between the avoidance of fill-in and the maintenance of scarcity.

One would think so, given the close connection between alchemy and the sulfur-mercury theory.

The mere fact, however, that shock oscillation and bursting happen at similar frequency indicates a close connection between them.

But even then there is a close connection with the corresponding knowledge in long term memory, which is usually thought to be descriptive.

These examples clarify the close connection between the secrecy typing and the linear/affine type discipline.

Her playfully speculative approach reminds us of the close connection between manager, playwright, and performer in the working theatre.

In both cases, it is states that create the norms, reflecting the close connection between the norm-making process and the principle of state sovereignty.

In a global world, there need be no close connection between where money is earned and where it is saved, invested or spent.

The struggle for power among nations entails a close connection between present and future capability in realism too; all states aim for power and self-aggrandisement.

Since, on account of the close connection between them, the prototypical complement immediately follows the head, extraposition will not be favoured.

From it follows an acknowledgement of the close connection between context and perceptual categories.

As a result, we can say that the book demonstrates the close connection between witchcraft and certain kinds of ‘ indecent ‘ female traits.

The specially made techno-shamanic interfaces are used to evoke the mythic powers of traditional rituals and their close connection to environmental forms.

Based on our experience, this close connection to practice helps convince students of the practicality of the approach.

In the fides quaerens intellectum-programme there is a close connection between natural theology and metaphysics, but these are not autonomous.

Once we acknowledge the essentiality of force to any informative philosophy of nature, we can realize the close connection between force and soul.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.