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meanings of civic and education
of or relating to a town or city, or the people who live …
the process of teaching or learning, especially in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get …
Examples of civic education
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Civic education should be unapologetically designed to encourage liberal values and be insistently pursued, both in schools and through the messages of political leaders.
The contributors mostly see the growth of civil society and the strengthening of civic education as important ways of alleviating the situation.
Yet, committed political leadership remained crucial for a long-term process of civic education.
While both groups share the general sentiments of the national population, the difference between the two groups suggests some rising awareness among civic education recipients.
Today there is greater emphasis on activities that contribute to women’s political participation : civic education, improving leadership skills, and lobbying on particular legislative proposals.
They take two forms : civic education and paralegal (legal assistance) programmes.
Because no survey of client attitudes exists from before the civic education and paralegal programmes commenced, conclusions cannot be definitive.
This also suggests that civic education has a positive impact on political awareness.
She does not use the language of nation, and, in 1918, was more interested in civic education for world peace than in assisting wartime morale.
They should also include civic education on the public’s rights and institutional opportunities for effecting greater accountability.
The opposition parties, not surprisingly, wondered how objectively such cadres would deliver ‘ civic education ‘ !
Such an active, freedom-loving citizenry must be educated in the habits of democratic self-government, and civic education will play a crucial role in this process.
Rather, it asked all involved what kinds of issues were included in the civic education.
Those who promote more ‘ civic education ‘ as a response to alternative approaches to politics may themselves have a lesson to learn.
A key task for any civic education project, therefore, was to reach the less-educated majority, especially in rural areas.
Throughout the debate over re-writing the constitution, secular and religious organisations planned and implemented civic education focused on the constitution.
The last chapter in this short book defends an account of liberal civic education grounded in both reason and sentiment.
Civic education again appears to make a noticeable difference.
On the contrary, once engendered, for example, through family socialisation, through the media, the civic education received in schools, and, of course, social policy, they need to be reinforced.
These bonds authorize this “community of equals” to engage in extensive moral and civic education and democratically decide on the distributions of rights compatible with communally generated purposes.
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