In the same way, the shortening of a vibrating string increases its pitch.
The motion of a rigid particle in an inviscid non-uniformly vibrating ambient liquid is considered.
The left hub shakes much more intensely than the right one, and the shaft vibrates asymmetrically while running.
One of the basic problems in classical vibration analysis is to determine the natural frequencies and normal modes of the vibrating body.
What we think of as elementary particles are really these little loops vibrating in different ways.
The method suits the simulation of one-dimensional resonators particularly well (vibrating strings, acoustic tubes, thin bars), which are found in many families of musical instruments.
Superimposed in three tracks or layers, the continuing pitches create a world of rich, vibrating, fluttering sounds.
The impression it produced was due to the fact that the words in a phrase vibrated, sang.
The second important influence on the frequency is the mass of vibrating atoms, the larger the mass, the slower the vibration.
The same experiment was run several times over, and in one instance the robot shook considerably, but in another the robot only vibrated slightly.
Passing this unpolarised light through a polariser results in polarised light, which vibrates in only one plane.
The machine was vibrating so vigorously it was very hard to obtain a reading.
The bar vibrates up and down at a steady rate.
The period is also the time taken for one complete oscillation of a vibrating object.
However, we wouldn’t want to spend every car journey vibrating up and down as a reminder of the last bump we went over.
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