Trong tiếng Anh, có nhiều phân từ quá khứ và hiện tại của một từ có thể được dùng như các tính từ. Các ví dụ này có thể chỉ ra các tính từ sử dụng.
Potential participants were invited to attend interviews, and participation was voluntary.
A group of scholars were therefore invited to present their national case stories from the field.
But in dramatic situations involving ‘real music’, verisimilitude invited musical expansiveness.
We invited sixteen experts to participate in the scoring exercise of which eleven experts indicated their willingness to participate in the study.
Contributors to any of the four workshops were invited to submit full articles to the special issue, but submission was open to everyone.
All this doubtless reflects the nature of the workshop and the way in which participants were invited or delegated.
Response rate for invited subjects for this qualitative study was 57%.
Impartial observers are invited to make their own calculation of the evidence and credibility of all concerned.
Respondents were invited by letter to express their availability for two different dates on which they might be able to attend a focus group session.
Each of these longer pieces will be followed in a future issue by invited commentaries.
The latter was then invited to draft, as a coda, a reflection to the various commentaries.
Each chapter is followed by comments from an invited reviewer, which readers will find of great interest.
A total of 184 of the 1150 inmates were chosen randomly and invited to participate in the study.
Sometimes, wine-shop keepers invited people to their establishments, either when they met in the street or at other public houses.
Oriented toward affect bonding between the par ticipants, invited guessing both indexes and strengthens their relationship.
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